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EU-US Relations in the Wake of Presidential Elections in the United States of America. Polish and German Perspectives

Recording of online discussion | Bryc, Konieczny, Lang, Szejna

Centrum im. Ignacego Daszyńskiego and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Warschau would like to invite you to join our online discussion on "EU-US Relations in the Wake of Presidential Elections in the United States of America. Polish and German Perspectives."

The panelists were:
Agnieszka Bryc, Ph.D., Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Maciej Konieczny, MP, Lewica (The Left), member of Foreign Affairs Committee in the Sejm

Kai-Olaf Lang, Ph.D., Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik in Berlin

Andrzej Szejna, MP, Lewica (The Left), member of Foreign Affairs Committee in the Sejm, former MEP

Moderator: Bartosz Machalica, Ph.D., Ignacy Daszyński Centre

Below you can find recording of the discussion.


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